Hi Charlotte!
So, It's come to my attention that I am expected to sort of update this thing once in a while...
Huh. Okay. I'll give it a try.
I've been buried in my studio for the last several days, hunched over a computer keyboard designing my next book, The Messiest Desk. The artwork was finished in September, got scanned and sent to me. I had to put in the words, design the cover and jacket and all that good stuff.
I recently got Adobe InDesign and I am still sort of figuring it out, so there was something of a learning curve. A long, looping, jagged curve...
The book is scheduled to be finished and back in the USA by the end of July. we'll see if that actually happens. In the meantime, enjoy the sneak peek previews of the title page and one of the layouts and remember: Keep Your Desk Clean!
1 comment:
YEAH! We are so very excited for your new book! Oliver thought your preview pictures were HYSTERICAL -- he laughed for five minutes straight. Then choked out that the desk has two legs shoved up its nose. Clearly "The Rules" made quite an impression on him. Hope you've figured out your new software and that means you can rock out your next book. Yeah, we know, we haven't even seen this one yet and we're already asking for the next. Yup. We're greedy. Can never get too much of a good thing!
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