It finally happened.
I failed. Big time.
Look closely at the post just before this one. You will notice that it says I will be at Gibson's Books in Concord for a book signing at 3:00 pm. On my calendar in my studio, it says I will be there at 3:00 pm. On our calendar in the kitchen, it says I will be there at 3:00 pm.
The thing is, the book signing was at 10:00 this morning, while I was busy watching my son's soccer team lose.
I got home to a slightly urgent sounding message from Deb, the event coordinator at Gibson's saying that she hoped I was on my way.
Only, I wasn't.
Of course, the only option available to me was to panic. I did that brilliantly.
I called Deb and explained that I was a bonehead. She did not argue the point, but was so polite and gracious that it made me feel even worse. She said that there were books that people had bought, eagerly anticipating that I would sign them, thus making them worthy of hawking on EBay. She asked if I had some time next week to stop by and sign the books.
45 minutes later, I was at Gibson's signing books and apologizing excessively and effusively. Deb was still unfailingly polite. I'd like to tell myself that it was only a thin veneer of politeness and the fact that she was at work that kept her from twisting my head off, but I don't believe that. She is just a genuinely nice person, and I am a dope.
I brought along a framed original painting from Winter Woes for the store as a small gift of apology, but I still feel like a chump.
To make the whole thing worse, this was slated to be an event with myself and another author and another illustrator. When we originally set the date, we agreed on a date and time after a flurry of emails. Deb contacted me a few days later and said that she was looking at my website and it appeared that I was already booked someplace else on the date and time we had agreed to.
Um. Yeah. Bonehead.
So we all had to scramble and reschedule, because I goofed.
And then, after all that, I didn't even show up.
So. You know... I have another book signing at the Toadstool in Milford on October 17th at 4:00. Or is it 10:00?
(Note to self - it is 4:00)
I'll try to be there.
1 comment:
What a total bummer. Though I bet the shop is super psyched that you were late because you STILL signed books AND they got an original print! HOLY COW! We will be at the Toadstool at 10 and 4. Hopefully we'll catch you at one of the times!
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